Next New

by - 5:29 PM

It is hard to imagine something that is not exist yet, particularly it social media field. There a lot of new web-sites and smartphone applications that are being created every day, so the one you think you create may already exist.
It is common thing that newspapers and magazines has been recently replacing by a huge variety you bloggers in different fields. It is easier for people just to go online and follow the person who writes news about the topic they are interested in. Moreover, it’s free.
I made a quick research through the web-site and application for bloggers and I think the one I want is not exist yet.
For example, you are interested in fashion, big tennis, and marketing. You have to go to fashion blogger’s page you like, then to sport journal blog, and then to marketing association page. It would be much easier if there would be a social media application or web-site, which can convert blogs, online magazines, and professional sites’ news into the the format on a single page. So, you can just open it, choose you favourite bloggers, magazines , and sited and read the news about all of them in the single timeline.
Moreover, it’s hight possible that our future phones will be able to project the display on the table or wall instead of using the screen. Just think about, you are reading the last new on the topic you follow on your bathroom’s mirror, while brushing your teeth in the morning...Amazing, don’t you think so?

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