Creativity and New Media

by - 10:42 AM

New Media fosters creativity by creating new opportunities for people to develop and show their individuality.
YouTube allows to record whatever you want and upload it to be viewed by other people and reach accomplishment. Other new medias such as Snapchat and Instagram also allows their users to post 24h videos and monitor the viewers.
You can also create your snapshots of an avatar in Second life with the help of websites such as Voki, Droppleme, and Tizme game. Here my examples:
There are more complex program for 3D creation such Photoshop and AutoCad.
With Photoshop, you can create everything up to real movie and is a good tool for interior designers, architectures and 3D printing.
Photoshop example:

AutoCade example:

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  1. The creation of new media is such grade accomplishment for us it allows us to do anything we want as you mentioned in your post like create 3D graphics. There's not limits with the new techonology
